Questions regarding Cleaning/Disinfection in the Workplace: What are SUNY Poly’s Cleaning Protocols and How are Students and Employees Responsible for Cleaning?

While the New York State mandatory cleaning and disinfection protocols are no longer in effect, SUNY Poly will continue to assess and ensure that all cleaning  protocols are in compliance with NYSDOH Higher Education Guidance and CDC guidance (Interim Guidance for Higher Education during the COVID-19 Public  Health Emergency and Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes).  

Additional resources regarding cleaning/disinfecting and protecting oneself include:

The Facilities Department is utilizing current public health guidance to maintain and update best practices for cleaning and disinfection in coordination with EHS. Custodial staff will be assigned to increase frequency of cleaning in high-traffic locations, such as classrooms, hallways, restrooms, public reception areas (to include common areas in residence halls), and elevators. Custodial staff will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least once per day and regularly clean and disinfect other surfaces as necessary given the level of traffic and needs for the space.

Products used for disinfection routines will be EPA/NYSDEC-approved to be effective against COVID-19. Custodial staff are trained on the appropriate use of cleaning and disinfection chemicals and wear appropriate PPE. SUNY Poly will provide hand hygiene stations and supplies across both campuses for individuals. Specifically, this includes: hand washing supplies, such as soap, running water, and disposable towels or hand sanitizing liquid, such as alcohol-based sanitizer with 60 percent or more alcohol where hand washing may not be available or practical.

Self-use cleaning/disinfecting materials are available in many locations/classrooms that can be used by an individual to disinfect the workstation, computer keyboard and mouse, desktop or other surface.


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