A message from Acting President Dr. Tod A. Laursen and Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Mark Montgomery

April 20, 2021
SUNY Poly Community,
As we take a moment to explore the trajectory of our society, it is without hesitation that SUNY Poly stands together to support our campus communities.
As part of SUNY Poly’s mission, the institution articulates an important core value: it “provides students with a well-rounded education to prepare them as future leaders in a dynamic and diverse world by demonstrating the interconnectedness of knowledge and cultures and emphasizing the importance of continuous learning.” Significantly, part of this quotation exudes the expectation that we may face challenges to our core values as we learn to engage respectfully in a complex world. Today, the jury has spoken at the Chauvin trial in Minnesota. We must commit to remembering our shared mission and supporting those in the community who may need our help to process the happenings of today.
In addition to the trial, we want to address the recent threatening rhetoric and violent attacks that have occurred around the country, which have targeted those of Asian descent. These serious incidents seem to be increasing in frequency. It is without hesitation that SUNY Poly stands with the victims of such aggressions and unequivocally condemns these harmful and completely inappropriate acts.
The concerns for how any individual may be treated is a concern for us all. Today more than ever we are “interconnected,” and it is a call for everyone to pause, reflect, and remember that as a college community, we are only as strong as the core values we model.
We must remember to embrace our perceived differences and celebrate them as our strength no matter how challenging.
This is what we do so well at SUNY Poly.
And this is why we stand with each other.
We stand firmly for all.
E Pluribus Unum.
Dr. Tod A. Laursen
Acting President
Dr. Mark Montgomery
Chief Diversity Officer