SUNY News Release: SUNY Leadership Expresses Concerns with Federal Tax Reform Bills in Letter to New York Congressional Delegation

SUNY News Release
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017
Contact: Holly Liapis;; 518-320-1311
Albany – Leadership from throughout The State University of New York, including Chairman H. Carl McCall, Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson, and college and university presidents today sent a letter to New York’s representatives in the United States House and Senate expressing concerns with federal tax reform bills currently under consideration.
“Although both bills are being touted as tax reform, they include devastating measures that will inhibit the educational, research, and economic development missions of our 64 colleges and universities,” the letter reads. “We urge you to prevent tuition waivers from becoming taxable income, to preserve the Lifetime Learning and the American Opportunity Tax Credits, and to maintain the full state and local tax (SALT) deductions.”
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