SUNYIT ranked 35th Best College for the Money in the nation

SUNYIT has been named 35th in a nationwide "Best Colleges for the Money" ranking of more than 1,200 institutions evaluated by College Factual, an online guide to the college selection process.
SUNYIT’s ranking reflects its academic quality and economic value, based on the cost of obtaining an undergraduate degree. College Factual uses a number of outcomes-based factors to determine its rankings, such as average student loan debt per student, loan default rates, how well an institution retains and graduates students, and graduates’ starting salaries and earning potential.
"With a record number of freshmen arriving on campus in just a few weeks, this ranking is another reminder why more students are choosing SUNYIT," said Jennifer Ninh, director of admissions. "As New York's public polytechnic, SUNYIT is becoming a college of choice for an increasing number of students from across the state and all over the region looking for both quality and affordability."
College Factual's ranking system is based on a series of
algorithms that include information from the Department of
Education, nationally mandated data reporting for institutions
and Payscale.
"College rankings lists are a dime a dozen and
often rely on data that provides limited value. We publish
rankings to get students and parents thinking about key factors
they need to consider when choosing a college," said Bill
Phelan, CEO of College Factual. “How long will it take you
to graduate? How much debt will you incur? How much money will
you make? We highlight important factors such as these in our
rankings to help build personalized lists, which is the ultimate
goal in any college selection process."
SUNYIT, the State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, is New York's public polytechnic, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in technology and professional studies. Its academic offerings in technology, including engineering, cybersecurity, computer science, and the engineering technologies, and its programs in professional studies, including business, communication, and nursing, are complemented by athletics, recreational, cultural and campus life programs, events and activities. Founded in 1966, SUNYIT is a unique high-tech learning environment on hundreds of acres, offering degree programs online as well as on campus. The SUNYIT family of alumni now numbers 25,000.