Statements Regarding CHIPS and Science Act Passage

Please find statements below from SUNY Interim Chancellor Deborah Stanley and SUNY Polytechnic Institute Acting President Tod A. Laursen, and a link to Governor Kathy Hochul's statement:
SUNY News Release:
Statement from SUNY Interim Chancellor Stanley on the Passage of the CHIPS and Science Act
For Immediate Release: Thursday, July 28, 2022
Contact: Holly Liapis;; or Jackie Orchard;; (518) 320-1311
“Today is a watershed moment for the United States’ economy and competitiveness on the global stage. Passage of the CHIPS and Science Act clears the way for a bold, transformative, and truly landmark investment in the domestic semiconductor industry that will positively impact every American.
This funding will bolster groundbreaking research happening at SUNY and our fellow institutions of higher education. It will also improve the U.S. development pipeline so better, faster, and smarter technology is deployed more quickly, and lay the foundation for an exceptional workforce of tomorrow.
As Governor Kathy Hochul has made clear, New York is poised to be at the forefront of America’s semiconductor resurgence, and SUNY has the infrastructure and expertise at the ready to unleash our research enterprise and train the next generation of workers.
We applaud and extend our deepest gratitude to U.S. Majority Leader Charles Schumer, who has worked tirelessly – indeed relentlessly – to secure bipartisan support for one of the most significant technological investments in history. Without his dedication none of this would be possible. We also thank New York’s remarkable congressional delegation, led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman Paul Tonko, and Congressman Joe Morelle who helped shepherd this measure to passage in both houses.
We look forward to continuing our partnership with Commerce Secretary Raimondo and Deputy Secretary Graves, who have been working exhaustively for more than a year to ensure the U.S. is prepared to take immediate action upon passage of this critical measure.”
SUNY Poly News Release:
"SUNY Poly applauds the passage of Senator Schumer’s visionary CHIPS Act, which will undoubtedly power new research and chip fabrication-focused opportunities to advance America’s leadership in this critical sector. SUNY Poly is thrilled to work closely with each of our partners to support Sen. Schumer and Governor Hochul’s efforts making New York State an innovation hub, and we are eager to leverage the anticipated positive outcomes resulting from this bill to educate the next-generation workforce and strategically provide them with the in-demand skills required for long-term success.”
You may view the statement from Governor Kathy Hochul on passage of the CHIPS and Science Act here.