Summer Interns from Utica and Albany Campuses to Present Research

A summer of in-depth research by interns at SUNY Polytechnic Institute will be on full display, showcased in the form of posters at SUNY Poly’s Cayan Library on Friday, September 8 at 2:15 pm, concluding the institution’s 2017 Summer Internship Program. The program has provided interns with the expertise of SUNY Poly’s faculty, as well as the advanced resources that are available at its facilities in Albany and Utica. While it has been an annual tradition at the Albany campus, this is the first time the internship program has taken place on the Utica campus of SUNY Poly, affording students even more exploration and study opportunities.
The 2017 SUNY Poly Summer Internship Program poster presentation session is the capstone of the 10-week undergraduate internship experience. Participants will present their research findings related to subjects ranging from applied math or civil engineering, to nanobioscience or nanoengineering, among others. A similar poster presentation was hosted at SUNY Poly’s Albany campus in August.
All interns and their faculty advisors (as feasible) are requested to attend. The Provost’s Office has arranged for tour bus transportation to Utica departing CNSE at 12:30 pm with an estimated return of 6:15 pm. Mid-afternoon refreshments and lunch items will be served. Please indicate your intention to participate and your interest in the bus transportation option for CNSE by Monday, September 5, or earlier, to Elaine Garrett at
For more information about the 2017 SUNY Poly Summer Internship Program at both campuses, please visit: